This month I am thinking of very small things. Things like tips of crocus poking out of the ground. Things like the first tufts of yellow brimming on the goldfinch. Things like zinnia seeds hatching in my basement.
Each begins with the smallest of steps . . .
Planting a small nub in the ground last November. Setting what looks like a flake of paper into a disc of dirt.
Each begins with the smallest of steps . . .
First a tiny disturbance in the soil, then a lifting, a stretching, and at last, two green leaves. I don’t ask the papery seed to be a field of zinnias. I only ask it to try the ground, get comfortable, to listen to its calling. And lo, the seed begins to answer.

And so it is with us, one tiny but necessary, simple but poignant, doable yet powerful, step at a time we unfold. Like Spring herself, each one a blessing, a tiny triumph, a messenger of the next step.
I don’t know what beckons the first wisps of yellow on the goldfinch. Perhaps there are lyrics on the Spring wind, urging one to greatness. Or faint conversations with the sun that last longer and longer . . . drawing out color, tempting boldness, encouraging the fervor of rebirth.
Shhh, don’t rush.
Whisper. Because in the smallest of things, are the greatest of things. And maybe the smallest step is willingness. The willingness to lie in the dirt. To listen. To say, okay, I can do that, what next . . . forgiveness? . . . letting yourself be forgiven? Maybe it’s planting a different seed? . . . being kind to yourself? . . or more patient? or maybe it’s planting another huge flat of zinnias for the hummingbirds!
Each begins with the smallest of steps . . .
Happy Planting!
Anthea & Marigold are busy planting zinnia seeds; each is given a name, a purpose, and loads of encouragement. Mari knows the zinnia song by heart…

Each and every seed,
Carries his own dream
The earth, the sun, the rain,
Know them all by name,
Every magic star
Watches from afar…
Seeing neither flaw nor shame,
The Love I see for thee
Is also given me.
Oh, the Love I see in thee,
I also see in me. (repeat)