So much excitement! Robins nesting on the trellis, English sparrows filling little painted houses with bits of border grass that dangle in the wind. The pond has changed over to Lilly pads and frogs and in one afternoon, we say good bye to the snowbirds and hello to the Ruby Crowned Kinglet.
April is about transition. About changing over, letting go, awaiting new. About moving….keep moving forward, like Cesar’s dogs, don’t lag in the past.
Rob and I were puttering through the garden just to see what was new here and different there when, all at once, a little pack of snowbirds lifted from the top of my holly tree. “Now!” one of them must’ve yelled and they laughed about it as they twittered over our heads – a band of happy travelers merrily on their way. “Good luck,” we call out, “happy travels!”
Rob and I look to the sky and together we miss Taffy at the same time.
Time passes but there is always more beauty. The never-ending beauty that simply shifts form, changes tune, taps you on the shoulder, “Look at me now. Did you expect this? See how I’m changed – it’s still me. I Am.”
The little snowbird, whose real name is “Dark-Eyed Junco”, is ready to make his way back to cooler climates. Anthea & Marigold send their friend off with hugs and well wishes (though Marigold is never really comfortable with good-byes.)

Anthea takes a moment to remind snowbird which way is North.

Mari welcomes the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet with a special poem though he can't help giggling through some of it.